Research and technology

Extensive cooperation of KEPCO with scientific research centers in "Deepwater Technology"

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Extensive cooperation of KEPCO with scientific research centers in "Deepwater Technology"
KEPCO in the area of research and technology has set goals and plans which are in line with its needs and requirements hence, it has developed extensive ties with scientific, educational and research centers regarding "Deepwater Technology".
KEPCO in the area of research and technology has set goals and plans which are in line with its needs and requirements hence, it has developed extensive ties with scientific, educational and research centers regarding "Deepwater Technology". Dr. Ali Osouli the Managing Director of KEPCO in a meeting with Sahand University regarding their research report with KEPCO has emphasize the need for two-way paths between the research centers and industries in order to avoid research wastes and decorative activities without any tangible results. He added that valuable and knowledgeable work force is the outcome of this cooperation. Mr. Osouli pointed out that the massive Amir-Kabir semisubmersible platform weighing 15000 tons operating in deepwater of Caspian Sea is the direct byproduct of collaboration between research centers and industry.
Oct 4, 2015 16:15
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KEPCO amid many other companies is a subdivision of National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) founded in January 1998. KEPCO is an authority in exploration, development and production of oil and gas in Iran concerning South Caspian Sea and three littoral provinces of Golestan, Mazanderan and Gilan in Iran. KEPCO supervises all the contracts signed by local and international companies regarding exploration and development of hydrocarbon reserves in the area including the pertinent environmental matters. KEPCO is committed to the development of Caspian Sea oil and gas reserves as well.